Multiprong Approach to Ankle Mobility

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with a duration of 0.25 Hour

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Lesson Plan

Lack of Ankle Mobility has a negative impact on just about every weight bearing exercise. While most people who are restricted at the ankle struggle with dorsiflexion. Merely focusing on improving that pattern at the ankle rarely has the large impact that we are looking for with our manual interventions. The foot and ankle are very complex and compensations happen throughout these areas in response to poor movement patterns. In this video, we will take a multi faceted approach to the complex issue of improving ankle mobility.

Learn easy practical solutions for patients and clients

  • Learn why simple stretching at the ankle doesn’t work.
  • Discover patient directed techniques for improving mobility throughout the foot and ankle complex
  • Understand strategies for making the interventions stick long term

Duration: 16 minutes

Estimated Time: 0.25


Course Instructor

Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC

Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS serves as the Prevention, Rehab, and Physical Performance Coordinator for 17 sports at Missouri State University. His sports medicine background is diverse, also serving as the strength and conditioning coach for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Volleyball during his time with at MSU. Prior to working in college athletics, Mitch trained athletes in the private sector of all ages and abilities. Mitch is also the founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, a full service Sports Medicine and Sports Performance consultancy. Mitch is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level, and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.

Multiprong Approach to Ankle Mobility



Course Instructor

Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC

Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS serves as the Prevention, Rehab, and Physical Performance Coordinator for 17 sports at Missouri State University. His sports medicine background is diverse, also serving as the strength and conditioning coach for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Volleyball during his time with at MSU. Prior to working in college athletics, Mitch trained athletes in the private sector of all ages and abilities. Mitch is also the founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, a full service Sports Medicine and Sports Performance consultancy. Mitch is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level, and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.

Multiprong Approach to Ankle Mobility