Improving Outcomes and Performance Through Motor Control Exercises

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with a duration of .75 Hour

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Lesson Plan

This short but informative webinar will provide you with a guideline and review of motor control and the use of external focus to enhance feedback and learning.  We will review the literature by some of the experts of motor learning, how to distinguish between internal and external focus, and examples of motor learning deficits described from the current literature and suggestions for clinical implementation.

Learn easy practical solutions for patients and clients:

  • Assess Cervical Joint Position Sense Error and chronic neck pain
  • Shoulder populations with motor control deficits after injury
  • Enhancing the post-operative ACL reconstruction rehabilitation with external focused exercise
  • Examples of utilizing immediate visual feedback with external focus of the above populations

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Disclosure: No relevant information to disclose
Course Access: 1 year for on demand. For subscription customers – access as long as you have the subscription account.
Course is available in your account, no download required. Course can be stopped and resumed.
Content disclosure: This course does not focus on any product or service.
Materials / prerequisite needed: No prerequisite or materials needed.
Refund/cancellation policies: All online course purchases are final, no refunds will be given. Contact us if any problems, questions.

Duration 40 minutes

No CE available for this course

Webinar Recording

Course Instructor

Eric Dinkins, PT Eric Dinkins, PT

Eric is a graduate from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Physical Therapy program and has been practicing since 2001. He is a Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedics through the American Physical Therapy Association and has a post-graduate diploma in Manipulative Therapy. He is current part of the teaching faculty for Select Medical, Northeast Seminars, Herman and Wallace, Motion Guidance LLC, and is a credentialed instructor with the Mulligan Concept Teachers Association. Eric is part of the ownership team of Motion Guidance, LLC, a rehabilitation company that developed visual feedback tools for assessing and treating clients.

Motor Control: Improving Outcomes Course