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This course provides an integrated education for the Doctor of Chiropractic in the science and art of spine, posture, and lower extremity disorders. The total permutations of abnormal posture using formulas from probability theory will be delineated and a literature review on postural displacements as they correlate to patient conditions will be provided. The details of objective postural assessment and measurement will be reviewed. The Chiropractor will learn corrective global postural subluxation set-ups for the head, thoracic cage, & pelvis on a drop table. To provide diagnosis, analysis and course of care for short leg syndrome and lower extremity disorders. A survey of research material will be reviewed supporting the utilization and efficacy of Chiropractic Biophysics drop table technique treatment methods across a population of patients with chronic pain conditions.
You can start and stop the course at any time. The course is available in your account for 6 months
A test is provided at the end of the course with 31 questions, 75% score required. You have 5 attempts and 2 hours to complete the test.
Target Audience: Doctor of Chiropractic
Prerequisite: None
Disclosure: Dr. Deed Harrison is the President / CEO of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)Technique & Seminars and is the President of CBP NonProfit, Inc. – a spinal research foundation.
Content disclosure: This course does not focus on any product or service.
Hours 1-2
Categories of Biomechanical Principles and the Subluxation that will be reviewed and utilized to determine postural rotation and translations in technique set ups:
- Functional
- Hypo/Hyper mobility of spinal segments
- Fixed segments
- Aberrant motion or altered coupling
- Coronal and Sagittal plane Hyper-tonic muscles (spasm)
- Coronal and Sagittal plane Asymmetrical muscle activity
- Structural
- Segmental displacement
- Posture and spinal displacement patters
- Instability at one or more segments
- Coronal plane Euler buckling methods
- Sagittal plane or Snap through buckling
- Permutations of Postural Displacements
- Single postures of the head, thorax, and pelvis,
- Double, triple, quadruple, …, sextuple combination postures of head, thorax, and pelvis equating to 728 unique postural combinations of each region,
- Review Postural Displacements Correlated to Health Disorders
- The prevalence of lateral head shift postures in a patient population: A correlation of posture magnitude, pain, and demographic variables.
- Anterior head translation and patient disorders: Cephalagia 1993 & Headache 1999,
- Sagittal plane posture abnormalities and kinematics: Clin Biom 2004,
2 Hr. CE. Lecture; Clinical Sciences
Hour 3 – Objective Measurements of Postural Displacements
- Types of postural measurement devices,
- Reliability and validity of postural measurement devices,
- PostureScreen, PosturePrint and computerized photographic measurement of 3-D postural displacements: Reliability and validity studies,
- Clinical implementation of the Posture Analysis systems and understanding the reported measurements: Posture Index scale.
1 Hr. CE. Lecture; Examination
Hours 4-6 Comprehensive CBP Drop Table set-ups with Biomechanical Principles.
- How to utilize Postural rotations and translations in drop table set-ups,
- Single, double, and triple combination global postural subluxation set-ups for the head, thoracic cage, and pelvis on a drop table,
- AP Full Spine Drop Table Mirror-Image Adjusting,
- Lateral Full Spine Drop Table Mirror-Image Adjusting.
3 Hr. CE. Lecture; Technique-CBP)
Hour 7 Biomechanical Assessment of Cervical 2-Way adjusting and C0-C1 fixations
- Lope Sagittal Plane Adjusting Device and Procedures-L-SPA adjusting device for retro-listhesis of the cervical spine
- L-SPA adjusting device for degenerative hypo-mobile lower cervical spine
- L-SPA adjusting for fixations of the upper cervical spine.
0.5 Hr. CE. Lecture; Technique-CBP)
A Review of 2 Clinical Trials Using CBP Drop Table Adjusting
- Non Randomized clinical control trial using CBP Technique for correction of lateral head translations in patients with chronic neck pain: JRRD 2004,
- Non Randomized clinical control trial using CBP Technique for correction of lateral trunk translations in patients with chronic low back pain: ESJ 2005,
0.5 Hr. CE. Lecture; Clinical Sciences
Hours 8, 9 Anatomical vs. Functional Leg Length Inequality & Foot Disorders
- Understanding the functional vs. functional short leg,
- Incidence and prevalence of leg length disorders,
- Reliability and validity of leg length assessments,
- Sacral obliquity and anomalies mimicking leg length discrepancies,
- Health consequences of leg length discrepancies,
- Interventional orthotics for leg length discrepancies and pelvic asymmetry,
2 Hr. CE. Lecture; Clinical Sciences
Hours 10-11 Comprehensive Review of Sacro-iliac Joint Anatomy, Biomechanics, Treatment.
- Anatomy of the SI-joint
- Biomechanics and kinematics of the SI-Joint
- Clinical intervention and assessment of the SI-joint
- Theory vs. evidence.
2 Hr. CE. Lecture; Clinical Sciences-Biomechanics
Continuing Education regulations may change. Please verify information with your licensure board.
Doctor of Chiropractic course approval:
(see approval information below)
Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia approval 2023-859 (Exam Proced/Diag, Adj Technique, Diag Imaging Interpretation), Florida (approved for 10 hours 3 hrs Principles of Chiropractic and 7 hours General), Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York approval NYSCB 5852 expires 3/31/2026), North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
PACE approval: 10.5 hours
WebExercises is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. PACE (Providers of Approved Continuing Education) is a Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) organization. Approved providers offer the highest standards of education and abide by guidelines and standards outlined by PACE to maintain approval status. Courses need to be listed with PACE and receive an approval number. PACE approved providers are accepted by the following Chiropractic State Boards: Alaska, Connecticut, DC, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.
CCE accredited Chiropractic College:
WebExercises is sponsored by a CCE accredited Chiropractic College, Cleveland University-Kansas City. This course meets the appropriate standards for continuing education and qualifies for 10.5 CEUs (10.5 hours) in the following states:
Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan.