A Functional Approach to Chronic Plantar Fasciosis – Emily Splichal, DPM

A Functional Approach to Chronic Plantar Fasciosis

Time or duration of symptoms is one of the biggest determinants in gauging responsiveness to treatment for musculoskeletal injuries, which can include chronic plantar fascial stress. Join Functional Podiatrist Dr Emily Splichal as she explores the unique tissue changes that occur in chronic tissue leading to disorganization and neo-vascularization at the site of injury. Learn how treatment options need to vary based on acute vs chronic presentation as well as the latest research on a functional approach to plantar fasciosis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the difference between acute and chronic soft tissue injury.
  • Describe the different phases of tissue repair cycle.
  • Explain fibrinolysis and different techniques to support this process.
  • Describe the role of corrective exercise in chronic tissue injury and best time to incorporate these techniques.

* This webinar is intended for Healthcare Professionals.

About the Presenter:

Dr Emily Splichal, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy and Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist®, BarefootRx® and BARE® Workout Certifications for health and wellness professionals. With over 15 years in the fitness industry, Dr Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to foot function and barefoot training. Dr Splichal actively sees patients out of her office in Manhattan, NY with a specialty in sports medicine, biomechanics and forefoot surgery. Dr Splichal takes great pride in approaching all patients through a functional approach with the integration of full biomechanical assessments and movement screens.